Cruising Skill builders

These trips are aimed at those who want to improve their cruising and sailing skills. You will be involved in all aspects of running the boat including sailing, navigation, housekeeping etc...We will cover topics and skills needed to cruise a yacht throughout the Caribbean;
  • improved helming
  • efficient passage making
  • navigation
  • anchoring
  • pilotage into and out of harbours, including night pilotage
  • reefing
  • downwind reefing.

Please see below for upcoming dates!

If you would like to receive more information regarding the upcoming Hidden Caribbean Adventures, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Email: [email protected]

WhatsApp: +1268 720 5313



Choose from:


4 Day Long Weekend Skill Building Sails

Whole Boat Available - please call for details!


Sample Itinerary

Day One
You will join the yacht in the morning where we will run through a safety brief and a familiarisation tour of the boat. Our fast class will be on points of sail and choosing when to tack or gybe on a passage. After lunch we will go sailing to work on our helming and manoeuvres. We will be out until after dark and will do our first night entry into English Harbour where we will tie up for the night.
Day Two
We will have a class on bouyage, making pilotage plans and passage planning. Throughout the day we will sail the south coast of Antigua practicing navigation and pilotage exercises. We will choose and navigate to an anchorage for dinner and then night sail to Jolly Harbour.
Day Three
Takes us from Jolly Harbour to North Sound marina putting to use the skills we have learned over the last few days to safely navigate through the reef and into the narrow channel to North Sound.
Day Four
We will put together all we have covered and you guys will take over the boat and sail us back to English Harbour.






7 Day Skill Building Sails

Whole Boat Available - please call us for details!

Sample Itinerary

Day One
You will join the yacht in the morning where we will run through a safety brief and a familiarisation tour of the boat. Our fast class will be on bouyage, aids to navigation and making pilotage plans. After lunch we will go sailing to work on our helming and manoeuvres. We will be out until after dark and will do our first night entry into English Harbour where we will tie up for the night.
Day Two
We will have a class on passage planning and navigation. Throughout the day we will sail the south coast of Antigua practising navigation and pilotage exercises. We will choose and navigate to an anchorage for dinner and then night sail to Jolly Harbour.
Day Three
Takes us from Jolly Harbour to North Sound marina putting to use the skills we have learned over the last few days to safely navigate through the reef and into the narrow channel to North Sound.
Day Four and Five
We will put together all we have covered and you guys will take over the boat and sail us to Dominica. It’s approximately 135 nautical miles and should take us around 24 hours to complete.

Day Six
Dominica to Deshaies, Guadeloupe. 12 hour sail

Day Seven
Guadeloupe to Antigua 8 hour sail.


For all enquiries, please click on the 'Contact Us!' button on the right!