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General Fire Training

The risk of fire is present in any organisation, even in well managed businesses a fire can occur. Once started it produces heat, toxic gases and large quantities of smoke. These may rise and also spread horizontally through open doors and unenclosed stairways preventing people from using the means of escape provided. The inhalation of smoke and toxic gases has been shown to be one of the main causes of fire deaths.

A lack of confidence, knowledge and experience can lead to a fire extinguisher or other appliance being used incorrectly which can be extremely dangerous.

Fire training at Ondeck can be tailored to your requirements no matter what industry your business is in.  If you have a building or boat, then fire safety should always be a top priority.

Subjects covered in this module include:

Understanding of the theory of fire, including the triangle of combustion and its behaviour.

Understanding of the spread of fire by conduction, convection, radiation and direct burning.

Understanding of hazard identification and fire prevention.

Understanding of raising the alarm, evacuation of persons and self-rescue techniques.

Effective use of portable fire extinguishers to extinguish real fires of different classes.

Understanding of the implications of incorrect use of fire extinguishers.

Effective use of a fire blanket on real fires.

This course will provide your staff with a general understanding of basic fire awareness including the initial actions to be taken in the event of a fire, how to prevent a fire from occurring and an understanding of the different types of extinguishers and their methods of operation, capabilities and limitations.

Essential demonstrations and practical hands on experience tackling real fires in a controlled environment will provide your staff with the confidence, knowledge and experience to use portable fire equipment including fire blankets should the need arise.

On completion of this course each student will receive an Ondeck certificate in Fire Safety and Awareness.

Super Yacht Fire Team Training (Non- STCW)

Whilst drills are conducted on board your vessel in accordance with the relevant regulations you come under, these are done cold. In addition, crew are trained to STCW standard every 5 years, however, it is not often that crew are trained together as a team in a live fire environment. Ondeck can provide you with expert instructors and the facility to train you’re on board fire teams using your procedures and tactics within our hot fire unit covering exercises from casualty rescue to fighting fires with the use of hoses.

On completion of this course each student will receive an Ondeck certificate in Live Fire Team Training.

Please click on the 'Training Dates & Booking' button on the right to check available dates.


We currently offer the STCW Elementary First Aid  and are now happy to be able to also offer the MCA MFAS [Medical First Aid] and MCAS Medical Care Aboard ship] courses along with the Refresher.

Dates are currently available for March 2025 and January 2026.

In association with Centaur Training:

Sue Johnson has worked as a full time first aid and medical instructor for over ten years.  Prior to this, she held a variety of clinical and community posts within the NHS including health promotion, project management and training delivery at both local and regional levels.

She is a Registered Nurse, Midwife and Health Visitor with post graduate qualifications and experience in accident and emergency nursing, remote emergency first aid and also recognised MCA qualifications in first aid and medical care.  She is also an approved MCA instructor.

Sue's extensive training delivery and experience has encompassed immensely varied student groups and backgrounds including the maritime and super yacht industry, Ministry of Defence and multi-national companies both in the UK and abroad.  This, combined with her yachting experience, has enabled her to develop high quality, flexible courses that are tailored to the specific needs of any particular group incorporating current clinical practices and knowledge. Delivered in a relaxed and highly professional manner.




4 days duration  - $895usd

Scene assessment and management.

Immediate assessment and management of casualty including if unconscious.

Procedures for obtaining emergency help and Telemed assistance.

Documentation and record keeping.

Maintenance of airway, breathing and circulation in casualty requiring resuscitation, including use of defibrillator.


Identification and management of :


Bleeding (internal and external).

Types of wounds including use of appropriate dressings.

Temperature extremes (hypo and hyperthermia).

Common types of burns including determining severity.

Spinal and musculo-skeletal injuries (fractures and soft tissue).

Head, chest and abdominal injuries including monitoring.




Medical emergencies :

Heart attack, asthma, hypo and hyper glycaemia.

Anaphylaxis, seizures.


Maintaining hygiene and preventing cross infection.

Familiarisation and use of the first aid kit.

Use of the first aid kit in the practical exercises.



5  and 3 day duration respectively.

Assessment and care of an ill or seriously injured patient at sea including recording :



Blood pressure.

Respiratory rate.

Blood oxygen saturation.

Conscious level.


Blood glucose level.


Procedures for obtaining emergency help and Telemed assistance including documentation and record keeping.

Extended management of airway, breathing and circulation in patient requiring resuscitation including use of oxygen and additional airway support.


Identification, management and examination of patients with medical conditions and emergencies :

Cardio vascular.



Gastro intestinal.


Dental – ear, nose and throat.


Communicable diseases and sexually transmitted infections.


Use of medicines in the medical kit including storage, administration and record keeping and management of controlled medicines.

Assessment of pain level and use of multifaceted approach to pain relief.

Management of a seriously ill or injured patient on board who requires continuous observation, monitoring and nursing care.


Practical sessions of clinical procedures :

Wound closure – suturing, gluing, stapling and adhesive strips including practice in local anaesthetic administration.

Urinary catheterisation (male and female).

Preparation and administration of subcutaneous and intra muscular injections.

Preparation for intravenous and intra osseous cannulation including giving sets and cannula insertion.

Recognition and management of infection on board including methods of prevention, monitoring and control and liaison with relevant port authorities.

Management of death at sea.

Management of childbirth at sea.


STCW Elementary First Aid

The Elementary First Aid course module combines theory and practical training for basic first aid and lifesaving skills. The course aims to provide an introduction to the principles of first aid and details how to respond to common medical emergencies. It also meets the requirements for those requiring updates

Subjects covered in this module include:

Types of accidents and emergencies on board that may require first aid.

Methods of raising the alarm.

Immediate actions when accidents or medical emergencies occur.

Minimising risk of further harm.

Body structure and functions.

Emergency first aid equipment and its use.

Priorities of treatment (Triage).

Casualty positioning and transportation.

Basic Life Support (CPR).

Shock management.




On successful completion of this course the student will receive an MCA approved STCW certificate in Elementary First Aid (STCW Regulation A-VI/1-3).

$250usd pp. Please click on the 'Training Dates & Booking' button on the right to check available dates.


PSA – Proficiency in Security Awareness

Security awareness training must be undertaken by all seafarers employed or engaged in any capacity on ships which are required to comply with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974, as amended and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. This course will provide the student with the necessary essential knowledge in order to contribute to the enhancement of maritime security and comply with this regulation.

Subjects covered in this module include:

Development of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code.

Typical threats to the maritime transport industry.

Roles and responsibilities of relevant bodies, organisations and individuals with regard to security.

Typical threats to the maritime transport industry.

Company Security Officer and Ship Security Officer and identify the reporting responsibilities.

The need for a Port Facility Security Officer.

The need for members of the ship’s crew other than the Ship Security Officer (SSO) to have designated security duties.

Access to the ship.

Restricted areas on the ship.

Handling of cargo.

Delivery of ship’s stores.

Handling unaccompanied baggage.

Monitoring the security of the ship and the areas surrounding the ship.

The requirements for a ship to comply with the ship security plan.

Importance of participating in security drills and exercises.

Measures on counter-piracy and anti-armed robbery.

Recognise weapons, dangerous substances and devices that may be used to pose a threat including the damage that they can cause.

General characteristics and behavioural patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security including the importance of recognising such persons.

Measures for handling sensitive security-related information and communications.

On successful completion of this course the student will receive an MCA approved STCW certificate in Proficiency in Security Awareness (STCW Regulation A-VI/6-1).

PDSD - Proficiency in Designated Security Duties

The PDSD security course for those with designated security duties (in practice most of the crew on superyachts) This is a 6 hours classroom based course. It is a higher level course than the PSA and holders do not need to do PSA as well.

It is a useful course to have even if you don't have any current 'designated duties' as roles change and even crew with minor roles should have the qualification.

The training will enable the student to:

> Know why ship security is important and understand the roles and responsibilities of the organisations and individuals involved.
> Understand what constitutes a security risk, threat and vulnerability to the ship, its personnel, cargo and operations.
> Know the capabilities and limitations of security methods, equipment and systems.
> Know how to maintain the measures in a ship security plan and related requirements.
> Be able to maintain the effectiveness of security arrangements, procedures and equipment at the three security levels, taking into account their limitations.


This STCW training programme provides ship's officers with the knowledge and skills to carry out their duties as a designated Ship Security Officer (SSO), in accordance with the International Ship and Port Facility (ISPS) Code.

Course Prerequisites

A minimum of 12 months seagoing service on vessels over 80gt or 24M is required to qualify for an STCW compliant SSO Certificate. SSO Delegates without the pre-course experience will receive an endorsed certificate of Proficiency in Designated Security Duties (PDSD) which can be upgraded to an SSO qualification once evidence is obtained that the minimum sea going requirement has been reached.


The Wavetrain SSO course is accredited by the Marshall Islands and, as such, is recognised worldwide.  It includes the 2010 Manila Amendments and conforms to Regulation VI/5, paragraph 1 and Section A-VI/5, paragraphs 1 to 4 of the STCW  Convention and Code 1978,  as amended and incorporates Proficiency in Security Awareness and Designated Security Duties laid down in Regulation VI/6 and Section A-VI/6 of the STCW Convention and Code.

The course covers:

∙  Implementation and maintenance of Ship's Security Plans

∙  Monitoring the ship's security officer, security systems and processes

∙  Training and motivating company and ship personnel in the performance of security related duties

Who Should Attend

Personnel who have been, or are likely to be, appointed as Ship Security Officers under the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.

NOTICE: We do not currently offer the Ship Security Officer Course. Please contact us for more information.

Please click on the 'Training Dates & Booking' button on the right to check available dates.

RYA Power to Sail Conversion Course

Yachtmaster Power to Sail and Sail to Power 'Conversion'

From July 2021 there is no longer a shortened conversion exam as such.

The exam that will be undertaken by the candidate is a full exam, however the fact that the candidate already holds an RYA Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence in one discipline, means that we can accepted a reduced amount of mileage and sea time in the discipline for which they will now be examined.

Holders of the RYA Yachtmaster® Coastal or Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence in a particular discipline (sail or power) are eligible for a “discount” in terms of the mileage and sea time that is required for the exam in the other discipline.

The sea time shown below must be in the discipline in which you are to be examined (sail or power). All qualifying seatime must be within 10 years prior to the exam.

Yachtmaster Coastal

  • Minimum of 400 miles
  • 12 days living on board
  • 2 days as skipper
  • 12 night hours

Yachtmaster Offshore

  • Minimum of 1250 miles
  • 25 days living on board
  • 3 days as skipper
  • 3 passages over 60 miles including 1 overnight and 1 as skipper

It is essential that candidates for any exam be fully conversant with the entire syllabus relating to the relevant type of vessel (sail or motor) and that they have adequate experience to be confident in the capacity of skipper of that type of craft.

Jetski – PWC – Personal Watercraft

This is a 2 day course and meets the requirements of the local licensing requirements for Antigua and Barbuda - please view them here.

Launching, handling and recovery skills, passage planning and decision making, high and low speed riding skills, essential safety information, collision avoidance and orientation at sea.

Additionally it covers the local regulations for safe operation by ADOMS. 

Safe operational practice 

  • At least 15 metres (50 feet) from another craft underway.
  • Not within 50 metres (160 feet) of an anchored or moored vessel, a person in the water, or a jetty or wharf.
  • Freestyling or wave/wake jumping is not allowed within 30 metres (100 feet) of another PWC or not within 50 metres (160 feet) of another vessel, or person in the water.
  • Jet skis should not exceed 5 knots when they are closer than 75 metres (250 feet) from the shore.


If a jet ski is reported to be not operating to the above safe distance and speed requirements the ADOMS licence will be withdrawn

$245usd pp. Please click on the 'Training Dates & Booking' button on the right to check available dates.

Boatmaster 3

Boatmaster 3 - $550usd pp

Must be at least 18 years old and have 3 months service on a vessel similar to the one they intend to serve on. Limit of usage is 3 miles from a safe haven and is generally for smaller open power vessels doing inshore charters.

This is a 2 day course with a mixture of practical and theoretical content usually conducted on your own vessel.

Additional courses needed.

VHF Radio if used on board
PST Sea survival
First Aid

The ADOMS application form and check list can be found here.

Please click on the 'Training Dates & Booking' button on the right to check available dates.

Boatmaster 1 & 2


The Boatmaster qualifications are increasingly becoming the standard for those wanting to work on Small Commercial Vessels in the Caribbean. These are known as SCV's and are typically less than 24m in length. The IMO [International Maritime Organisation] developed a set of recommendations some years ago for training of captains in the Caribbean. This is now widely accepted by most Caribbean countries.

In Antigua & Barbuda certification is governed by ADOMS [Antigua Barbuda Department of Marine Services].

A circular concerning these ADOMS requirements can be found here.

After or before completion of the necessary courses you will need to have a valid medical certificate from an approved doctor in Antigua . - their details can be accessed here.

There are 3 levels of Boatmaster and the level you go for will depend partly on your experience but also the waters you plan to operate the vessel.

Boatmaster 1

Candidates must be at least 21 years old and have 12 months service on SCV's and allows passages up to 20 mile off shore or more with approval and proof of passages.

Boatmaster 2

Must be at least 20 years of age and have evidence of at least 6 months service on SVC's including time on a vessel similar to the one that they will be operating on. Limit of usage is 3 miles offshore.

There are a number of courses that will be necessary for anyone seeking an examination directly with ADOMS.

1. Boatmaster Theory for Boatmaster 1 and 2 $595usd pp

This covers all the aspects required by the code. The course is not mandatory but it is highly recommended and will mean that examination candidates do not have to be tested on all of the theory by ADOMS. It will be around 35 hours of classroom based training with an exam at the end.

A certificate with photo ID will be provided on successful completion.

2. Boatmaster Practical & Exam $495usd pp

This preparation course aims to prepare and work on practical elements of the syllabus that may be covered in the examination. Specifically practical navigation, safety and man overboard procedures, and general boat handling.

The preparation would be a minimum of 2 days depending on needs.
It will be tailored to the needs of the specific individuals and for that reason we would be looking to take a maximum of 5 candidates over a 2 day period.

This would generally be 'own boat' training and be the same vessel you would be examined on . Assessment is done over during the practical.

3. SRC/VHF Radio [If used on board or as required by ADOMS].

4. Full STCW 10 Basic Safety Training
PST -Sea survival
First Aid
Fire Prevention and Fighting.

The ADOMS application form and check list can be found here.

Please click on the 'Training Dates & Booking' button on the right to check available dates.

PPR Professional Practices & Responsibilities and Commercial Endorsements

This is an online course that can be booked via Ondeck and is essential for anyone looking to commercially endorse their RYA license

Each year approximately 4,500 people apply to the RYA for a commercial endorsement in order to use their RYA qualifications professionally as skipper or crew. You could be doing anything from delivering a new 35’ yacht or driving a workboat with lifting and towing gear, to running a superyacht in the Med. Whatever your job is on board, in the commercial world you are a professional seafarer. As such, you are no different from the captain of a cruise liner – you have a duty of care to crew, passengers, and other water users, and you will be held to account if things go wrong.

The course is broken down into four modules:

  • Commercial environment - how you fit into the professional maritime world.
  • People – the importance of correct manning, keeping your skills up to date and the safe management of commercial vessels.
  • Vessel – the compulsory carriage and maintenance of safety equipment and how to create and implement risk control and operating procedures.
  • Purpose – making sure your vessel is suitable and legal for the work you are carrying out, your obligations in protecting the environment, appropriate planning and situational awareness.

Please click here to see the progression and recommended path for RYA theory courses.

$80usd pp - online