Seamen’s Medicals


The ENG1 certificate is a medical examination to establish whether you are fit to work at sea. The MLC (Maritime Labour Convention) states that every seafarer must hold a valid ENG1 certificate or ML5 medical certificate if you are planning to work on a yacht. You will need an ENG1 in application for certificates such as Caribbean Boatmaster, Commercial Endorsement, working on board a commercial vessel etc. 


There are a couple of options here in Antigua to undertake your ENG1. Please see details below for their locations and arranging an appointment: 

Dr Rasheda Williams - Woods Mall, Antigua 

email: [email protected]

tel: 1 268 462 4973

cel: 1 268 764 3042

Dr Acheabea Dyer - St John's, Antigua 

email: [email protected]

tel: 1 268 462 0931